Friday 30 September 2016

Fish Tanks in Kochi

              What to Look for When Buying an Aquarium?

Fish is one of the easier pets to keep as they are usually less demanding ad will not raise any complaints from the neighbours as barking dogs or screeching parrots can. Many people find it very comforting and relaxing to watch their fish swimming in the home aquarium. Most cities have pet stores offering a wide range of necessities and accessories to keep a pet fish safely and conveniently.
Before you go to a pet store and get yourself a Fish Tanksh tank, there are a few things you need to decide on. For instance, the kind of water you will need. You might need salt water, fresh water or cold water depending on the species of fish you wish to keep. The species will also determine the amount of water you will need. So you cannot just have a one-size fish tank for all kinds of fish. Remember to make sure that you have enough space in your home to place the aquarium. You will need some extra space behind the aquarium for the cords and other equipment.
You can get either an acrylic tank or a glass tank. Acrylic tanks can get scratches very easily, but glass tanks are heavier than acrylic tanks. Acrylic tanks will not get cracks as easily as glass tanks.  You can get tanks of different shapes in acrylic as it can be moulded easily. But some acrylic tanks can become yellowish after a period of time, and they are usually more expensive than glass tanks.
The aquarium should not have any water soluble parts and it should not be made of toxic materials. For instance, if you are getting stones, be aware that some minerals can be toxic when they dissolve in water. Also avoid decorations with soluble lead. Bigger aquariums will be easier to clean and will need cleaning less frequently than the smaller ones. Make sure that the tank is water tight. This can avoid problems to the fish like high concentration of waste in the water and help avoid damage to the place where the tank is kept.
It goes without saying that along with a tank you should buy accessories such as a filter, and maybe, a heater or lighting. There are three kinds of filtration methods that are generally used in aquarium filters – biological filtration, mechanical filtration and chemical filtration. Biological filtration helps establish and protect a healthy quantity of bacteria which helps in detoxifying the water to some extent. Mechanical filtration removes visible waste such as uneaten food and excrement. Chemical filtration can remove dissolved wastes.
UV sterilisers can control parasites. But they can generate too much heat and increase the general temperature of the water in the aquarium. So if you use UV sterilisers, you might also need a chiller. Lighting is important for the health of your fish. It can be necessary if you have plants and marine animals that need light for food. Make sure that you also have heaters and thermometers to keep the temperature at a level suitable for the fish you are keeping. Changes in temperature can make fish ill.
Before you introduce fish to your aquarium, it needs to be set up and run for a few weeks. This will help you make sure that all the equipment is working. Get your pet from a reliable seller. You need to confirm that there is no use for artificial colours and that the fish can survive in captivity. Your aquarium will take some time to mature. So in the beginning, get some species that survives better. After some weeks you can introduce other kinds of fish.
Introduce the fish slowly to the tank water so that it can get acclimatised to the temperature and water quality. If you choose to have live plant in your aquarium, you should be willing to take care of them as well as your pet fish. An aquarium can be a major investment, so be sure to do your research before you start shopping.
fish tank

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